Welcome back! It's now the end of week 5! Which means I'm low on energy but still have a good supply of sarcasm and honesty! I'm tired. I already said that. Here we go!
To those who wrongfully stumbled onto this blog it's not too late to turn to a different blog about how God works. To those who have joined us again well, they knew I was a little crazy anyways. Most people don't move to remote Alaskan villages only accessible by plane or boat. Then teach Vacation Bible School in the summer for 7 summers. I've gotten friends to join me throughout the years. Crazy people get other people to be crazy!
This past week we were in Naknek! My current home. It was nice that we didn't have to pack for the week. Normally we pack our food tote, our craft tote, and our personal bags (apparently clean clothes and teeth are good for team dynamics). We didn't have to meal plan and we didn't have to count out our crafts. It was glorious! Almost like a staycation!
A group of 7 people from Hawaii came up to Alaska to help out for over a week. In typical fashion we met them all while wearing our matching shirts as to make it harder for them to know our names. We also threw a birthday party for one my youth as a prank. Her birthday is in the winter. They also helped out with us at VBS, ran the Net (hospitality coffee house), and completed numerous projects. Ladies and gentlemen they're single too! If you love the Lord and are willing to move to Hawaii I'd check out the Waikiki Beach Gathering. If you're married or dating I would also recommend checking it out vacationing or moving there it's a great time either way! In all seriousness it was great to have them around. Zach loved talking to them so much he lost his voice! Which is what I say, he might have just had a cold instead. We don't know the jury is still out.
Oh so yeah there's God stuff too this week! He's pretty rad and allows us to see what's he's been up to. It's a pretty rad experience. We had around 30 kids a day! Plus we had 8 adults some days! Normally it's just four of us adults. It made it so I was able to work one on one with one of my students that I had when I first moved up. Even though she can't talk and doesn't process things the way you and I do, she is valued equally in the eyes of the Lord.
One of youth who is normally shy was helping lead the actions to the songs and even did some puppets too! It was cool to see her come out of her shell.
Side note because I forgot to mention it earlier but we had our garage sale. Everyone can donate items. It is free will donation and the proceeds go to help send kids to camp. We spent our Saturday the 24th packing up items for the sale. Decorating the church for VBS and taking down the sale. It was a very good thing that we didn't have to pack that Saturday. Anywho pretend I wrote that first!
Saturday July 1st we went to Koliganek. Due to construction on a building we weren't able to do a full week of VBS there this summer. We still wanted to go for a day to see the kiddos. It was a sunny windy day. The wind kept the bugs away and the sun kept the rain away! We had six people come with as our pilot Josh stayed and Lane came.
Side story! Lane is one of the people that came up from Hawaii. He was supposed to leave originally on Friday. So how did he get to Koliganek on Saturday? Well he has been making a good connection with a harder to understand person at the Net and decided to stay until the end of the summer! He got the wonderful experience of what doing village VBS looks like. It's okay he took a nap today so he's going to make a full recovery!
Now where was I? Oh yeah the ways God works! It was great to have so many hands and a wonderful team to help conquer the week. We even had the power go out for a little bit one day during VBS. It was out at other times throughout the week which happens up here. At the radio station we have a generator that automatically kicks on. Yeah it's pretty cool! Jesus is pretty cool!
There's more I can write but I have to fold laundry, pack my bag, make bars, do dishes, and sleep. It's 9:30 at night so I'm going to sign off early before I say something too sassy. Yeah I know some of you are already saying too late!
Looking Back: Prayers for the kids who received Christ to read their Bibles and grow their faith. Katy can hear now out of both ears! Housing and jobs for Zach and Katy in Washington.
Looking Forward: We are in Egegik this week so prayers that we have kiddos come. Prayers for energy to be able continue on. Some of us might be getting sick and good health is nice. That's all she wrote!