Waking up at 6:30 and getting ready for the day to start typing a blog was not the best idea for this not a natural morning person. Here we are!
Life is filled with many setbacks and unknowns. Many changed plans and many times waiting for something. It could be waiting for a baby to come, a new job, different government policies, or for summer to come. That’s true for up here too!
If you haven’t read the previous I encourage you to do that so you do who we are and what we do! If you already read it thank you and welcome back! I’ll pray for you as you read this one!
Monday stepping outside about to walk to the Shire, local coffee place conveniently located at the end our driveway, seeing the fog and knowing that it was going to be a delay today. After 5 summers of flying anywhere from 20 to 40 times a year you pick up on some things. We got our Shire fix of coffee, cinnamon rolls or breakfast bagel, and tea to have a nice slow paced breakfast. It wasn’t until about noon that we were able to load up the plane. Normally VBS starts at 1. Due to the time being tight we decided to wait to have VBS when we weren’t going to be to so rushed the next day.
Tuesday morning we go make an announcement on the radio system that VBS is starting today. Already we have kids asking if they can come at noon. Which I told them that they could. They did! One actually came at 11:40. It was a different change of pace going from 4 kids to 16 kids. Getting to know names took a little longer and half the kids had nicknames they went by too!
We got to stay the village B&B this week which was a quick walk from the church. That night Jessica was needing to grab her water bottle that she forgot at the church so we went for a walk. The air was slightly cool with a gentle breeze assuring you that you wouldn't hear a mosquito buzz in your ear. When walked by the B&B Zach and Katy joined us on our evening endeavor.
For those of you who grew up in a small town like I did you knew they're were hang out spots or certain houses that were always up to host any kid that walked into the house. It's very much the same here. There's two main spots that's a guaranteed to see kids and youth. One is the local place to go swimming whether it be a lake or river. The other is the playground. Not wanted to be asked to jump into freezing cold water we headed to the playground.
It was then I got a chance to get caught up with the youth that no longer came to VBS. Not going to lie to was pretty sweet to see them still be willing to talk to me. I must be pretty cool! Just kidding! While getting caught up with one of the teen girls I sensed a need in her life. Koliganek has a way about bringing the urgency of the Gospel to real life. As I was talking with her I asked her how's your relationship with the Lord? There's was a pause. Then I added on a scale 1 to 10. Which got a quick 3 response back. I invited her to game night for the youth that we having later on in the week in hopes of more time to talk to her about it. She didn't come that night leaving me fully trust God to do the rest of the work.
If there was a village that loved VBS games it's Koliganek! At our game night which we had four kids come to they kept on wanting to play more games that we had played in the past. After 90 minutes of games it wasn't enough for them! It was a sweet time to hang out, teach them how to make friendship bracelets, and get to know them without their younger siblings around.
One game the kids love is human battleship. During this game their can be a lot of wait time which for a four year does not last too long. Planning for that wait time we packed the evangelism cube. When we had young one needed some redirection we brought out the cube and she loved it! I walked her through the Gospel. I asked her, "Do you why Jesus was on the cross." She nodded no. "It's because he loves you." As I lightly tapped my finger on her shoulder. A precious smile came across her face knowing that she believed that Jesus loves her. Throughout the week we had many kids be able to tell us the pictures on the cube!
Leaving Koliganek is always hard and this time it was harder in other ways. Due to dry weather conditions we have some fires going on up here. Smoke settled into the village Wednesday night and stayed around. The sun was red and people were wearing masks due to the air quality. We thought we were going to be delayed in getting out too! Josh and Jeremy both came and got us in the Cherokee 6 allowing a safer flight if there was poorer visibility. Fun fact we ate 40 pounds of food as team last week! When it comes to small planes you're always considering and knowing the weight of what you pack. It's a good thing Jesus' yoke is easy and his burden light!
Thanks for bearing with me! You're almost done! This next week we are in Manokotak. It's our biggest village yet! Pray for energy and souls to come to know the Lord. Let us know how we can praying for you!